Sunday, April 01, 2007

of climbing mini-hills and paying my respects

apart from being April Fool's day today...its also "ching ming jie", and being the onli fighting fit male of the Koh family...i had no choice but to climb the mini-hill at sungei kadut to pay my respects to my great-grandparents...

the interesting part of the day wasn't the praying but rather the journey...u i wasnt familiar with the uncle tagged along in my car...and i got sooooo enlightened, or rather entertained actually...

reason i say iz uncle likes to engage in conversations...but in my case...the conversation was quite one-sided..we talked abt was nice...realli...if onli i can engage him in a conversation the next time round...with a beer bottle in his hand!

"so ends another fast...yet with no regrets...rite my sleeping beauty???"

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