in abt 6 hrs from now i shall be leaving my current camp in pursuit of further knowledge to enhance myself! ok...so i'm forced to go on course to do wat i'm supposed to do...to be trained in the 120MM calibre artillary aka Mortar...
partly why i feel pretty reluctant to go for the course is due to the fact dat i've been a commander for too long to sudenly be a trainee again...i dun think i can ever take it again...yes...i'm too slack now can???
at least my men aint gonna be going on course with mi...or they'll be able to see mi in my ugliest, unprettiest, most miserable state...
on another note...i went down to the SOC ground half-heartedly as i wasn't exactly in the mood to clear it...BUT!!! luck had to be on my side and pass mio!!! so now i dun ever have to clear my SOC til i ORD!!! COOOOOL!!!
"i'm thinking of getting a tattoo...wat do u think?"
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