for the past few days...i've done some really silly things...realli..
1. during the block leave after coming back from Brunei, i was so bored staying at home dat i took an early train down to Orchard and patronised Borders...wanted to buy a book to read...ended up spending the whole day there, skipping lunch...and finishing the whole book i wanted to buy instead...crazy rite?
2. While still during the block leave...i knew i had to maintain my fitness...so i went for my regular 9km runs followed by some static exercises...but becuz i overestimated myself...i overstrained my body...by the end of the block leave...i had aching arms...
3. as if the aching arms didnt gimme enough warning...i continued training back in camp...by the end of the week...i could feel my whole body aching...bad...
4. if dat ain't stupid enough...i had to stay up all nite then to play 2 rounds of mahjong with Sad Boi and gang...bad move...i ended up totally a sick chicken on sat...
5. now dat its Sun...i still feel like crap...but i'm gonna have a day filled with activities again...omg...i'm realli gonna get myself killed someday...
"oh yeah...and i realised i have minor foot rot...since the brunei trip..along with my numb toe bitten from mutated red ants..."
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