while i'm realli looking forward to my ORD...when i can quite consider myself a free man...from all the green uniform and regimentation...it marks the end of a major step in my life...but the beginning of another...and i'm apprehensive...
come late august...i shall be pursuing further studies in SIM...Double Major in Communications and Psychology...true...its my interest...but the complexity of the course and the 2 semesters of chinese module...might get the better of mi...
fortunately...i have my sleeping beauty...realli glad she's around :) when she told mi dat i could look to her for help and we could even study together...u dun know how happy i was to hear dat :P
and talking abt my sleeping beauty, ever since she came back into my life...i've always had someone to look to...and someone i can pamper, someone to call my own :) to my sleeping beauty...if ur reading this...thanks for tolerating my temper and jealousy :P (i shall leave the mushy part out...)
and my biggest fear realli is the distant future...being a working adult...dunno why but have been thinking abt it for a while now...whether i can get to do something dat i like as a job...earn well...support my family(dat'll include sleeping beauty and her family too :P)...ohhhhh
"i think i'm thinking too much...pre-psychology student syndrome? thinking too much again..."
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