So much has happened since i booked out last thurs as i took off on fri...
(Warning - Long Post...read at own peril...)1. catching up with mitch, my god sis
2. shopping with sad boi & static idiot
3. reunion dinner with family
4. sending off my parents and younger sis to the airport
5. traumatic experience with again sad boi and static idiot...
6. reunion dinner with extended family, mother's side...
7. reunion dinner with extended family, father's side...
8. mahjong session with extended family, father's side...
9. jogging in the middle of the nite!
catching up with mitch, my god sis its been awhile since i caught up to my dearest closest female buddy...much less meet up with her...so when the chance came, we met up where she brought mi to eat some pretty good jap food~
shopping with sad boi & static idiot its always enjoyable to shop with ur closest buddies cuz we can psycho each other to buy things! and make the other party regret later! so evil...shld have bought a pair of redwire levi's jeans though...realli like it...
reunion dinner with familysince we stopped hiring a maid...we the Koh family hasnt had many opportunities to sit down together as a family to have a meal...so on thur nite, my family waited for mi while i rushed my fat arse back home to have dinner...AS A FAMILY! i can say i loved it! while having dinner, we all joked and laughed and realli realli enjoyed each other's company!
sending off my parents and younger sis to the airportsomething i've always dreamed of...to have the house...AND CAR!!! to myself...papa and mama went on holiday, bringing along younger sis...hehe!
traumatic experience with again sad boi and static idiot its realli too traumatic...shant talk abt it...and dun ask mi!
reunion dinner with extended family, mother's sidegrandma usually cooks up some pretty good dishes, dat nite aint no exception :)
reunion dinner with extended family, father's sidemost of the dishes were sort of either cooked by one of the relatives or came from m uncle's stall...but the standard was pretty good...realli!
mahjong session with extended family, father's sidebecuz of my itchy mouth, i suggested to my uncle that maybe we shld open table for a game of mahjong on CNY day 1, my uncle decided dat might as well start tonite! but...i ended as the onli player winning money...i feel so guilty...realli!!!
jogging in the middle of the nite!becuz i feel so guilty of winning, and becuz i know i'm gonna put on the pounds this few days, i was crazy enough to go running in the middle of the nite at 2am...ran abt 8-10 km...feels good...shld do nite running more often...
Happy Chinese Year to all, esp to the piggies!"