Monday, April 04, 2005

WARNING: This page might take a long time to load...due to reasons which you are going to see for yourself! wahahahaa!!

i'm ashamed to admit, but i've been surfing the net aimlessly for most of the time during ofice hours these days, the other times, i would either be in the toilet, printing or binding some training materials, or catching a nap in another room out of my OIC's view...b4 u gimme dat "i despise u" kinda look, gotta say at least i complete the tasks she gives mi ok!

hence, i came across quite a few blogs, pretty good of the list is still though, maybe cuz he's a guy...i can relate to him better...instead of always seeing wat singapore blogger is always bitching about...some of the links from is pretty good too, such as tripleperiod and Little-Miss-Drinkalot (from tripleperiod's blog link) take a look if u really have nothing to do...i will never be as good as these guys...but i hope i'm entertaining who ever is reading this blog of mine(maybe no one...hmmm...)

A friend of mine showed me this...i was stunned...i am still stunned...i'll never reach that level of pro-ness...

This original freedom is already pretty cool looking fight with my cute SD freedom...but the following G-CUSTOM is....

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CHIO RITE????????

now...this G-CUSTOM is done be this person...

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Stunned? mi? i'm ashamed i'm a gundam enthusiast...damn my ego pride is crushed...

"On a serious note: Let us all, not just the Vaticans, mourn for the loss of one of the world's leaders, the people's Pope, John Paul II shall be remembered by all...and shall conclave and the Great Elector elect a worthy successor in the Sistine Chapel..."
A serious Stinko...

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