i had the all important task of getting brudder Rick's bday present...and i had to do it b4 i book in tonite...cuz...my next weekend is gonna be burnt...again! sigh...
but becuz i got no company to do my shopping in town...i settled for West Mall(sorri Rick Zai...)...brudder...i bought a watch for u...trust my taste k? anyway...while looking at the watches...i realised i haven pampered myself despite telling myself i would during the GSS...damn...my mouth was salivating from all those gorgeous watches...sigh...too bad i'm reali reali reali too strapped for cash...
maybe i shld get confined in camp more so i dont get to spend too...but...come to think of it...where did all my money go???? ARGH!!! when i was with "that special someone"...i spent all i had on her...which i was happy...but now...i dun even noe has it all gone to...damn.........
"maybe i shld realli either be confined to camp and stay at home all day long...i shld start being a bloody miser!"