Saturday, March 18, 2006

the suayness continues...

So goes on with fate...

rem i had to do guard duty on monday evening til the next morning? while i was doing my of my dear buddies call mi on the phone...

"oie, where are you???"
"huh? in camp la...guard duty leh..."
"oh! yar hor...pai night's out leh!"
"HUH!!! sigh...nvm..."

SEE! suayness continues...

some more i just ran for my SOC today b4 booking was a test...if i had passed, i wouldnt have to worry about passing my course liao...but NO!!!! i have to fail by a miserable 10 seconds...sigh...10 secs leh!

somehow this ASLC course seems longer...time seems to pass slower...even my dad says he feels it i also dunno...dun ask mi...juz trying to tell myself i'm already pretty lucky to be posted here as my other buddies seem to have a more miserable life...somemore their sergeant course is longer than least 1 or 2 weeks longer...hmmm...

"hmmm...bookouts have never seem more precious at this point in time..."

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