wont go into details on bagpipes...it'll bore u...i'll post a pic of mi and my bandmates maybe, with all of us in scottish kilts(its not skirts!!!).
At international sporting events such as the rugby sevens...u'll get a wide variety of ppl coming...examples include:
1. The "i'm sexy and i know it" ang mo chic
these ang mo gals would be moving around more than watching the event itself, and some of them would wear so low cut to show half ball and their push-up bra...and even better...to walk every step with a "boeing boeing!" up down motion, causing their milk jugs to jiggle along with their bodies...hence the nick "boeing boeing!"
2. The "i'm the customer and i'm always rite!" egotistical bastard
can either be ang mo or asian...various reasons for acting like mistreated kids...such as not being able to bring in filled-up water bottles(its for good safetly reasons...u dun wanna kana wacked in the head from a filled-up bottle)...or cuz of their lack of understanding that their tix are only for certain areas and not the grandstand area...and not being allowed to enter cuz their tix is with their frens inside and not with them(real idiots...)
3. The "Yaya Buaya" metrosexuals...
refers to those guys who luv make-up...but happen to have those type of "wack me up" kinda face...their attitude doesnt help their image either...give u some examples
example 1. this chinese guy has one of this ankles in a bandage...but has arguebly go up and down the stairs more times than anyone(apart from the ang mo chic)...for wat? to show that he can talk so loud for everyone to hear and pick up hot chics? he even has his sunglasses clipped above his head in typical style of metrosexuals...onli it looks too sissy...
example 2, this time an ang mo(also with the sunglasses up his head...wuss)
wuss walks in without any tix or passes
stinko: "sorri sir, u cant enter without a ticket or a pass"
wuss: "my tix is with my friend up there..."
stinko: "then u'll have to wait for your friend to pass u your tix"
wuss: "cant i tell u wear he sits and go in?"
stinko: "nope..."
wuss: "uh-huh"
2 seconds silence...
wuss: "ur pretty short for a guard eh?"
stinko: *&*)%^#%^*(&)E&&%* "i'm an usher, not a guard, get that straight, now could u pls wait outside and not obstruct the entrance?"
wuss: "..." gives dat kind of "wat can u do to mi" look
stinko: "the security and police can help u on your way out if u want..."
wuss then walks away
u gotta think dat some of these guys have pea-sized brains...with an elephant ass's ego...
4. The "i'm here to enjoy the game" happy person
will gladly here to the rules and enjoy the game, ushers fav customers! with many of them greeting u as well "Cheers Mate!"
5. The "halloween party time!!!!" kind of person
nothing harmful, a little overjoyful maybe...but adds color to the event...there are ppl dressed as south african tribal ppl, scottish kilts ppl, air stewardesses(huh?), hawaiin bikini babes...and prepare urself...a tramp! or a transexual, transvestite, drag queen...watever u call it...imagine someone with ample milk jugs, a perfect figure and long hair....and an Adam's apple....WTF!!!!!
6. The "i'm drunk and will do anything" kind of guy
usually an ang mo...takes more than he can handle and there goes...there were cases of drunks throwing stuff, hitting a gal on the head and end up detained by police, drunks falling down to the field(yes...the field) and end up being carried away by paramedics, drunks who vomit all over themselves and end up being carried away by paramedics, drunks who see each other not happy fight til kana detained by police...the list goes on...
enough variety of ppl for mi and my colleagues to bitch abt...
"its a colorful world...realli colorful..."
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
creating Merry out of Misery
"ku zhong zhuo le" as the chinese ppl say...and dats wat i did during sat and sun...no, i didnt slack as usual...i was working...as an usher at the National Stadium for the Singapore Rugby Sevens...its too bloody tiring...imagine reporting for work early in the wee hours of 7am for the first day, onli to knock off at 10pm...with onli 1 meal dat day to boot...luckily day 2 was slightly better...10am report for work...still ending at 10 though...cuz of all the standing...my right ankle is in constant pulsating pain...*groans...
back to topic...as i was saying, creating merry while working in misery was the least we could do at help pass the time faster...so wat did we do? nothing much...try to get into the rugby enthu mood...feasting on eye candy...cursing at arrogant and egotistical bastards/bitches...and...reliving one of my fav pastimes! I GOT TO PLAY THE BAGPIPE!!!(scenes of reminiscene comes in...) scotland is playing in the rugby sevens, so wats scotland without their bagpipes, rite????
its been so long since i last touched a bagpipe...and i'm soooo damn rusty...luckily it was a easy pipe...juz to enlighten u alittle...
the main difficulty of different bagpipes lie in the reed itself, there are other issues such as greasing the bagpipe and such but wont go into details. the main idea is the harder ur reed, the harder u have to blow juz to produce a sound.
Added levels of difficulty are the drones which u can add in the stock and tenors(the 3 long sticks), by adding a drone, u get some sort of a constant bass all the time apart from the pipe sound that u hear, and becuz the drones let out more air, u have to blow even harder juz to keep up...
also, ur technic in maintaining the amount of air in the bagpipe and blowing in at the same time matters, blow too much and u'll be out of breath, blow too little and u'll hear not a bagpipe but a camel crying...u have to balance between blowing air in and using the air in the bag while catching a breath in perfect momentum so u could go on playing without the music ending at all...dats the beauty of bagpipes!
dat guy whom i borrowed the bagpipe from had a damn easy reed, had 3 drones but shut 2 of them off, leaving only 1 open...making the pipe damn easy to blow...if i had this pipe during my playing days...i could have played for easily 20 mins no prob...now 5 mins is a prob...sigh...its all abt stamina and abdominal strength...
that was on the first day...was hoping i could see the guy again on the second day, no luck, the onli ones playing were 2 boys no older than mi i bet. then i saw her...MY BAGPIPE INSTRUCTOR!!! she was the one who taught mi all dat i noe(ashamed to say i 4got alot of it)...apparently, she coached the 2 boys as well...they were good...they were way better than i ever was(so i was lousy, can?)...got my instructor's hp num...i promise myself i'm gonna pick up the bagpipe again...
might talk more abt bagpipes in next post :)
"the pay u get for working in events like these dun do u justice...but the things you see...its worth more than ur pay~"
back to topic...as i was saying, creating merry while working in misery was the least we could do at help pass the time faster...so wat did we do? nothing much...try to get into the rugby enthu mood...feasting on eye candy...cursing at arrogant and egotistical bastards/bitches...and...reliving one of my fav pastimes! I GOT TO PLAY THE BAGPIPE!!!(scenes of reminiscene comes in...) scotland is playing in the rugby sevens, so wats scotland without their bagpipes, rite????
its been so long since i last touched a bagpipe...and i'm soooo damn rusty...luckily it was a easy pipe...juz to enlighten u alittle...
the main difficulty of different bagpipes lie in the reed itself, there are other issues such as greasing the bagpipe and such but wont go into details. the main idea is the harder ur reed, the harder u have to blow juz to produce a sound.
Added levels of difficulty are the drones which u can add in the stock and tenors(the 3 long sticks), by adding a drone, u get some sort of a constant bass all the time apart from the pipe sound that u hear, and becuz the drones let out more air, u have to blow even harder juz to keep up...
also, ur technic in maintaining the amount of air in the bagpipe and blowing in at the same time matters, blow too much and u'll be out of breath, blow too little and u'll hear not a bagpipe but a camel crying...u have to balance between blowing air in and using the air in the bag while catching a breath in perfect momentum so u could go on playing without the music ending at all...dats the beauty of bagpipes!
dat guy whom i borrowed the bagpipe from had a damn easy reed, had 3 drones but shut 2 of them off, leaving only 1 open...making the pipe damn easy to blow...if i had this pipe during my playing days...i could have played for easily 20 mins no prob...now 5 mins is a prob...sigh...its all abt stamina and abdominal strength...
that was on the first day...was hoping i could see the guy again on the second day, no luck, the onli ones playing were 2 boys no older than mi i bet. then i saw her...MY BAGPIPE INSTRUCTOR!!! she was the one who taught mi all dat i noe(ashamed to say i 4got alot of it)...apparently, she coached the 2 boys as well...they were good...they were way better than i ever was(so i was lousy, can?)...got my instructor's hp num...i promise myself i'm gonna pick up the bagpipe again...
might talk more abt bagpipes in next post :)
"the pay u get for working in events like these dun do u justice...but the things you see...its worth more than ur pay~"
Friday, April 15, 2005
Chaotic morning...crazy OIC
Pandemonium in the office...how often does dat happen? apparently...quite often...juz dat i'm now more aware of it...why? cuz i'm partly involved...having a crazy OIC doesnt help...and having a proper conversation with my OIC is realli hard nowadays...
OIC: "Sean, come here come here"
Stinko: "wazzup?"
OIC: "wat changes have u done for these materials"
Stinko: "blah blah blah blah blah"
OIC: "huh?"
Stinko: "blah blah blah blah"
OIC: "i dun understand"
Stinko: "FY, u explain bah..."
FY: "blah blah..."
*before FY finishes explaining, hardly started explaining even...
OIC: (loudly declares)"OHHHHH! i get it!!!"
Stinko: "next time should let the gals explain to u better"
OIC: "huh?"
Stinko: "u gals think on the same wavelength..."
OIC: "eh! i think ah, after this internship, your ego bigger liao!"
Stinko: "..." ( -_-")
another incident, involving another guy...lets call him IK
OIC: "IK! lets go for meeting le!"
IK does his own thing as though he heard nothing...
OIC: "IK! lets go quick quick!"
IK no reaction...
OIC: (trying to sound intimate)"Shen Shen~ quick lets go for a date!"
IK still no reaction...
OIC: "OIE! Shen Shen!"
IK: (feints ignorance)"who is IK? who is Shen Shen?"
OIC: "aiya, dun play lah~"
IK: "..." ( -_-")
and wat was i doing this time? sitting in my own corner...smirking...Hur Hur Hur! 1 more week...i have to tahan for another 1 more week!
OIC: "Sean, come here come here"
Stinko: "wazzup?"
OIC: "wat changes have u done for these materials"
Stinko: "blah blah blah blah blah"
OIC: "huh?"
Stinko: "blah blah blah blah"
OIC: "i dun understand"
Stinko: "FY, u explain bah..."
FY: "blah blah..."
*before FY finishes explaining, hardly started explaining even...
OIC: (loudly declares)"OHHHHH! i get it!!!"
Stinko: "next time should let the gals explain to u better"
OIC: "huh?"
Stinko: "u gals think on the same wavelength..."
OIC: "eh! i think ah, after this internship, your ego bigger liao!"
Stinko: "..." ( -_-")
another incident, involving another guy...lets call him IK
OIC: "IK! lets go for meeting le!"
IK does his own thing as though he heard nothing...
OIC: "IK! lets go quick quick!"
IK no reaction...
OIC: (trying to sound intimate)"Shen Shen~ quick lets go for a date!"
IK still no reaction...
OIC: "OIE! Shen Shen!"
IK: (feints ignorance)"who is IK? who is Shen Shen?"
OIC: "aiya, dun play lah~"
IK: "..." ( -_-")
and wat was i doing this time? sitting in my own corner...smirking...Hur Hur Hur! 1 more week...i have to tahan for another 1 more week!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Wake up call...
Its a wake up call, but not as in waking up from a sleep...rather its a wake up call to reality...i'll be going NS soon...veri soon...no, i havent received my letter, but i believe i'll receive it soon enough...people r receiving their letters already...i'll be checking my enlistment status online everyday now...the anxiety...cant explain it...seriously...i wanna go thru BMT...its a "SURE LOSE WEIGHT" regime...but...but...but...my ankle's still feels pretty "old-man" like...sigh...
dat aside...i'll be making a trip all the way down to Tampines Safra to extend my passport today...so sian...all cuz i dont dare to ask for a half-day leave....now have to go tampines cuz onli they open till 9pm...sigh...
extend passport for wat u might ask, its for the malaysia trip lor!!! i'll be going to Sunway Lagoon...3d2n, might extend another night though, provided everyone agrees :)
"Wonder how i'll take it when i get to know my enlistment date...hmmm...neh...i'll survive..."
Stinko...pondering his thoughts away
dat aside...i'll be making a trip all the way down to Tampines Safra to extend my passport today...so sian...all cuz i dont dare to ask for a half-day leave....now have to go tampines cuz onli they open till 9pm...sigh...
extend passport for wat u might ask, its for the malaysia trip lor!!! i'll be going to Sunway Lagoon...3d2n, might extend another night though, provided everyone agrees :)
"Wonder how i'll take it when i get to know my enlistment date...hmmm...neh...i'll survive..."
Stinko...pondering his thoughts away
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Too few highs and too many lows...
In fact...there's onli 1 high...and dat's i found another guy selling the LOTR extended version DVD too!!! cheaper of 5 bucks from my very first bid some more...talking abt a blessing in disguise...Hur hur hur!!!
Now for bads...i think its gonna be pretty long...i'll tell myself to avoid doing concerts of bollywood stars...ever again! i was thinking how bored i would get for this time's concert...i was so damn wrong...
List of things that should happen but did not(or vice-versa)
The people who have come for a concert will usually be blur blur mong mong ca ca...so they would ask us ushers for help, where we would gladly oblige (actually we're paid to do so...dats diplomacy for you)
This crowd would also be mong mong ca ca, but they ignore us ushers and "gey kiang" (hokkien for act smart) try find their own places... so...its the blind leading the blind...causing quite abit of confusion and stuff...
Concerts with usually start off with the star of the concert singing a fast number, to try up the tempo and with instrument solo performances held somewhere inbetween the show(give the star time to change costume...)
This concert starts off with easily 15-20 mins of instrument solo b4 someone actually speaks...and its...not the star...
Concerts with usually start off with the star of the concert singing a fast number, to try up the tempo and with the guest singer/s coming on later at some point in time for the star to rest and change to another outfit
After the super long instrument solo...a girl comes out...no...she's a guest singer...not the main star...still...she starts off the concert...
There is hardly anytime for any part of a concert to have a 30 min segment on talking...juz talking...dats not a concert...dats a stand-up comedy!
Somewhere in the middle of this concert a guy comes out and thinks he's Bollywood's Chris Rock...ok...so he's pretty good...judging frm the audiences' laughter...
Its common for a concert to have 1 or even sometimes 2 guest singers...and they usually perform together, or in other cases, one after the other...
For this concert...the first guest singer starts off,followed by the star, then another guest singer, followed by the stand-up comedy, then again ANOTHER guest singer sings...b4 the star decides to come back up on stage again
Usually the star of the concert would ask the audience to cooperate and sit down, for everyone's good :) how considerate
This star has to say "its ok, let them dance!", while then the ushers will have a hell of a hard time controlling the crowd while being scolded by the other audience at the same time...hard life...
Usually concerts' security guards are quite beefy guys(think bouncers) to manage crowd control
This concert has either old men who look like 50+ or kids who look like 16+ as security guards...WTF!!!
Other concerts' audience are usually pretty active in sneaking to the front occasionally for a quick camera shot or 2, but with a warning...they'll go back to their seats, hence...the security guards have it quite relaxed most of the times...
This audience dun bring cameras with them, but they still run to the front to dance infront of the star(rem wat the star said?)...and its up to us ushers to control the crowd...where the hell r the security guards? stoning on the upper levels...bloody hell...to think they get a higher pay...thosebastards slackers...
it realli got quite bad on a few occassions where a whole crowd would rush down...theres even this skinny punk who kept dancing his way down in a very obscene manner(think wacko jacko)...my fellow usher/friend ZC would be patiently telling him to go back up to his seat...datbastard punk is not respecting ZC man! so being the impulsive (might i add righteous and protective? Hur hur hur...) me...i briskly walked over and pulled the bastard punk to one side with my fiercest face i could make shouting into his face "U WANT MI TO GET SECURITY HERE???" dat bastard punk than gives mi the "come wack me up" kind of face...b4 i could do anything...2 fellow ushers pull mi back b4 ZC signals the bastard punk to get back to his seat...luckily the bastard punk is smart enough to do so...dun misunderstand that i was gonna punch him or something...i wont be that foolish...realli! my fellow ushers tot otherwise...hehe! i'm a good actor!
think this post is long enough...too long infact, sorry for wasting ur time :)
OH OH! another high! i did get slightly over 30 bucks this time round...this concert's way tooooooo long...gotta get compensated for dat...
"i still dunno wat i want in life, but i already have quite a list of wat i dun want in life!!!!!"
Stinko...working the opposite way...
Now for bads...i think its gonna be pretty long...i'll tell myself to avoid doing concerts of bollywood stars...ever again! i was thinking how bored i would get for this time's concert...i was so damn wrong...
List of things that should happen but did not(or vice-versa)
The people who have come for a concert will usually be blur blur mong mong ca ca...so they would ask us ushers for help, where we would gladly oblige (actually we're paid to do so...dats diplomacy for you)
This crowd would also be mong mong ca ca, but they ignore us ushers and "gey kiang" (hokkien for act smart) try find their own places... so...its the blind leading the blind...causing quite abit of confusion and stuff...
Concerts with usually start off with the star of the concert singing a fast number, to try up the tempo and with instrument solo performances held somewhere inbetween the show(give the star time to change costume...)
This concert starts off with easily 15-20 mins of instrument solo b4 someone actually speaks...and its...not the star...
Concerts with usually start off with the star of the concert singing a fast number, to try up the tempo and with the guest singer/s coming on later at some point in time for the star to rest and change to another outfit
After the super long instrument solo...a girl comes out...no...she's a guest singer...not the main star...still...she starts off the concert...
There is hardly anytime for any part of a concert to have a 30 min segment on talking...juz talking...dats not a concert...dats a stand-up comedy!
Somewhere in the middle of this concert a guy comes out and thinks he's Bollywood's Chris Rock...ok...so he's pretty good...judging frm the audiences' laughter...
Its common for a concert to have 1 or even sometimes 2 guest singers...and they usually perform together, or in other cases, one after the other...
For this concert...the first guest singer starts off,followed by the star, then another guest singer, followed by the stand-up comedy, then again ANOTHER guest singer sings...b4 the star decides to come back up on stage again
Usually the star of the concert would ask the audience to cooperate and sit down, for everyone's good :) how considerate
This star has to say "its ok, let them dance!", while then the ushers will have a hell of a hard time controlling the crowd while being scolded by the other audience at the same time...hard life...
Usually concerts' security guards are quite beefy guys(think bouncers) to manage crowd control
This concert has either old men who look like 50+ or kids who look like 16+ as security guards...WTF!!!
Other concerts' audience are usually pretty active in sneaking to the front occasionally for a quick camera shot or 2, but with a warning...they'll go back to their seats, hence...the security guards have it quite relaxed most of the times...
This audience dun bring cameras with them, but they still run to the front to dance infront of the star(rem wat the star said?)...and its up to us ushers to control the crowd...where the hell r the security guards? stoning on the upper levels...bloody hell...to think they get a higher pay...those
it realli got quite bad on a few occassions where a whole crowd would rush down...theres even this skinny punk who kept dancing his way down in a very obscene manner(think wacko jacko)...my fellow usher/friend ZC would be patiently telling him to go back up to his seat...dat
think this post is long enough...too long infact, sorry for wasting ur time :)
OH OH! another high! i did get slightly over 30 bucks this time round...this concert's way tooooooo long...gotta get compensated for dat...
"i still dunno wat i want in life, but i already have quite a list of wat i dun want in life!!!!!"
Stinko...working the opposite way...
Saturday, April 09, 2005
when u can experience high and low in one morning
Waking up in the morning happy that i'll be going on a malaysia trip with my polymates, and knowing that i'm gonna earn a little (when i say little, it means less than 30 bucks...dun bother coming to extort mi)...now dats the high
now the low...juz checked my yahoo auctions account...somebloody wuss enthu LOTR fan outbid my 9 days long bid! for the 9 days dat bloody wuss enthu LOTR fan has to stone until the last min b4 outbiding mi by 5 bucks...pathetic bastard...
now i'll have source around again for a better deal...realli doesnt make my day
"i juz realised that the concert i'll be working as a usher is a bollywood star's concert...omg..."
now the low...juz checked my yahoo auctions account...some
now i'll have source around again for a better deal...realli doesnt make my day
"i juz realised that the concert i'll be working as a usher is a bollywood star's concert...omg..."
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Had to reduce the num of pics from the previus blog, it realli lagged the whole site...so pardon moi...
its already thur...another 11 more days and i guess i'll be outta here, though the other 3 gals might be staying...thing is...i can't stand...my OIC...i can see she's making an effort to make us stay but...mi cant stand the way she always beats around the bush, repeat stuff like 3-5 times in a single conversation, doesn't know what she wants herself, and her a boss dats way more ruthless, not to mention the clients who are the mostheartless bastards "kind souls"...i dun have the phobia of going to work at such a young age...i haven even reach 21!!!!
anyway, i gotta say i'm pretty free nowadays, apart from the data entry dat comes in every morning...and because of dat i dread going to work...funny? not realli...with work to do at least u noe wat ur gonna do...without work...u cant realli do anything else...unless sneakily...
and i gotta say...i'm guilty dat i got dat much free time on my hand...dat i sorta pissed salted coffee lady off...i feel bad...i realli do...cuz Ms Salted Coffee works longer hrs than the other 3 of us, never seems to have an end to her work...and juz when she tot she finished...BOOM! she realises that one whole function is missed out...sigh...anyone will get pissed at this stage...i dun blame her realli...if onli i could help in anyway...sigh
"life is too complicated to live...there's no such thing as even a line defining good and bad!!!"
Stinko...defining the realities of life
its already thur...another 11 more days and i guess i'll be outta here, though the other 3 gals might be staying...thing is...i can't stand...my OIC...i can see she's making an effort to make us stay but...mi cant stand the way she always beats around the bush, repeat stuff like 3-5 times in a single conversation, doesn't know what she wants herself, and her a boss dats way more ruthless, not to mention the clients who are the most
anyway, i gotta say i'm pretty free nowadays, apart from the data entry dat comes in every morning...and because of dat i dread going to work...funny? not realli...with work to do at least u noe wat ur gonna do...without work...u cant realli do anything else...unless sneakily...
and i gotta say...i'm guilty dat i got dat much free time on my hand...dat i sorta pissed salted coffee lady off...i feel bad...i realli do...cuz Ms Salted Coffee works longer hrs than the other 3 of us, never seems to have an end to her work...and juz when she tot she finished...BOOM! she realises that one whole function is missed out...sigh...anyone will get pissed at this stage...i dun blame her realli...if onli i could help in anyway...sigh
"life is too complicated to live...there's no such thing as even a line defining good and bad!!!"
Stinko...defining the realities of life
Monday, April 04, 2005
WARNING: This page might take a long time to load...due to reasons which you are going to see for yourself! wahahahaa!!
i'm ashamed to admit, but i've been surfing the net aimlessly for most of the time during ofice hours these days, the other times, i would either be in the toilet, printing or binding some training materials, or catching a nap in another room out of my OIC's view...b4 u gimme dat "i despise u" kinda look, gotta say at least i complete the tasks she gives mi ok!
hence, i came across quite a few blogs, pretty good ones...top of the list is still www.limbueytor.com though, maybe cuz he's a guy...i can relate to him better...instead of always seeing wat singapore blogger www.xiaxue.blogspot.com is always bitching about...some of the links from www.limbueytor.com is pretty good too, such as tripleperiod and Little-Miss-Drinkalot (from tripleperiod's blog link)...do take a look if u really have nothing to do...i will never be as good as these guys...but i hope i'm entertaining who ever is reading this blog of mine(maybe no one...hmmm...)
A friend of mine showed me this...i was stunned...i am still stunned...i'll never reach that level of pro-ness...

i'm ashamed to admit, but i've been surfing the net aimlessly for most of the time during ofice hours these days, the other times, i would either be in the toilet, printing or binding some training materials, or catching a nap in another room out of my OIC's view...b4 u gimme dat "i despise u" kinda look, gotta say at least i complete the tasks she gives mi ok!
hence, i came across quite a few blogs, pretty good ones...top of the list is still www.limbueytor.com though, maybe cuz he's a guy...i can relate to him better...instead of always seeing wat singapore blogger www.xiaxue.blogspot.com is always bitching about...some of the links from www.limbueytor.com is pretty good too, such as tripleperiod and Little-Miss-Drinkalot (from tripleperiod's blog link)...do take a look if u really have nothing to do...i will never be as good as these guys...but i hope i'm entertaining who ever is reading this blog of mine(maybe no one...hmmm...)
A friend of mine showed me this...i was stunned...i am still stunned...i'll never reach that level of pro-ness...

This original freedom is already pretty cool looking liao...got fight with my cute SD freedom...but the following G-CUSTOM is....
CHIO RITE????????
now...this G-CUSTOM is done be this person...
Stunned? mi? i'm ashamed i'm a gundam enthusiast...damn my ego pride is crushed...
"On a serious note: Let us all, not just the Vaticans, mourn for the loss of one of the world's leaders, the people's Pope, John Paul II shall be remembered by all...and shall conclave and the Great Elector elect a worthy successor in the Sistine Chapel..."
A serious Stinko...
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