Saturday, March 20, 2004

i'm gonna be quite philosophical today...

happened iz dat mi eldest uncle came over to my place to help fix up a shelf in the utiliy area...after dat...the same thing happned...the chat btwn be father and him...once again...learnt quite abit of stuff...and once again...its pretty sad...

my uncle and father were the least favored of the 7 children...i think there was another 1 or 2 more children...but they were given away...mi father nearly became one of those given away...maybe its becuz of how my grandparents treated my uncle and father that they turned out to be this uncle actually holds a grudge with his parents...til this day...but...thing comforting thing is...he still does wat he has to as a for my father...i'm surprised how well he coped with dat fact abt being almost given away...for all i noe...he certainly holds no grudge...and is as filial a son can get...sigh...

i cant blame my uncle for bearing this grudge...being treated the way he was as a kid...but at the end of the day, its up to him of how he wants to think and his case...he holds the grudge...for mi father...he juz tells mi..."true that my parents have not treated mi in the best way...but in the onli have 1 father...why hate him?" i agree with mi father...

it is after this conversation btwn them dat makes mi all the more determined to be as a filial a son can get...i want to make sure my father lives well and not worry abt anything for the rest of his life...sigh...i believe in for wat ever mi father sacrificed for his parents...i'll do more than dat!

"At the end of the choose wether you wanna be a good guy...or a bad guy...regardless of whether wat you went through in the past..."

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