Random no 2: i hurt my back over the CNY period becuz i sat on the floor too long playing cards...and it still hurts...
Random no 3: had more than a few random ppl msging mi suddenly...a long time dear sch mate of mine, a close study buddy, and a rather...difficult to explain acquintence guy...
Random no 3.1: Dear sch mate of mine was a close buddy whom we had sincerely hoped to serve NS together, but lost contact after primary sch...and he suddenly msgs...a pleasant surprise :)
Random no 3.2: Close study buddy from uni suddenly msgs saying she's randomly msging ppl...and we msged on for awhile, same of the old times then
Random no 3.3: third guy is a funny one...he is rich (at least his family is), boasts of his family wealth all the time, including a car that has a prancing horse and a landed property with elevators...but thinks that driving to sentosa is "expensive" and hence wants to hitch a ride...i think i pissed him off when i replied "for a rich kid...you are a real miser..." there goes one less fren i guess :P
Random no 4: I want to chill out...i want to go timbre...i want back my life!!!
Random no 5: I need to start working out again~ FAILING IPPT IS NOT AN OPTION!!!
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