u noe there are juz some days when things juz dun go the way u wan it to be? some people might call it the "murphy's law", whereby anything that can go wrong, will go wrong?
my philosophy? i call it "shit happens!"
because there was a mid-term exam today, anyone who finished the exam early left the classroom and waited outside. and when people start to gather outside, u noe the noise level is gonna go up, becuz of the discussions and conversations, albeit some of them unintentionally...it was getting loud. unfortunately, i was one of those loud ones...
and so my insensitivity caused some displeasure with a close fren of mine...feeling guilty already...
i should have taken it as a sign things werent gonna be smooth today...true enough...this time i had to damage someone's property
while playing soccer...a dear fren of mine, who isnt exactly the most popular person around, lost his wallet...thinking it might be a practical joke by someone childish in the group...i went ahead with searching for who i tot might be the culprit...little did i know there was a high-end camera on top of the bag...i had to miss it and while shifting the bag...drop the camera...
my face went white...the owner of the camera's face went white...then i experienced some loud yelling into my face...i seriously think i deserve it...time to wake up my idea and learn my lesson
"never attempt to act smart and be proactive...sit in one corner and hold ur peace..."
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