So brunei has been an experience for mi...lotsa of things have happened...some good...some not good...but all memorable...imagine i never had to spend a nite in a swamp juz cuz i got lost of a couple of hrs...
anyway...didnt lose any weight as i'd have hoped...but never the less...shall try to work out on my own...in fact went for a nite run last nite :P shall go to the gym tomoro morn...
i really feel like sharing my exp on brunei...but laziness always gets the better of mi..and there are too many and too long to type anyway...but i do wanna blog...
recently, came across the topics of relationships...i've come to the point of questioning the point of a relationship in the first place...after wat has happened before and wat seems like happening...i dunno...trust...people advocate this all the time but does everyone give and provide the trust? LOL, i would like to think...
as negative as i might sound...i assure u dat i'm fine...realli...infact glad for one of my frens...winged feet he's nicknamed himself...he found his better half and is having a honeymoon in Tioman rite now...
Winged Feet is a real trash talker but he can talk sense when he wants to...and he did put some sense into mi once in a while...and he recommended the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"...i realli wanna read dat book too!!! shall steal the book from him once he's done with it...
"i realli missed my family and my sleeping beauty while i was away...so much that i acutally shed tears after talking to father on the phone...believe it...i'm a emo freak...sigh..."