Finally after burning last weekend and a whole week in Tekong...i'm now back in the comfort of my own home...i muz say...after being in the comfort zone for so long...going outfield with the recruits took abit of getting used to on my side...
i have to admit...i'm a veri soft guy...physically and mentally...among the commanders, i'm physically the weakest...i think more than half of the recruits have better fitness than mi now...i try to do something abt it...but most of the time laziness gets in the way...so...it shows i'm not a soldier...
When i was a trainee...all i did was follow orders...unless i was so unlucky to be arrowed to take up IC roles(which most of the time i get and i dunno why...), now dat i have to be responsible for myself and the men under mi rite now...i'm showing my pissed off look almost everyday and biting anyone who got in my way...i noe this is gonna get mi into trouble...cuz i have on a few occasions almost wanted to shoot back at my officers like i have done to my peers and my recruits...it shows i'm not a soldier...
maybe i shld really get myself into trouble...then they'll demote mi and throw me to somewhere else...then i'll have my wanted vocation of being a driver!!!
"something tells mi something big is gonna happen to mi...i feel an anxiety...something...most likely bad...IS gonna happen..."
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