So life goes on as usual...though not for some...there have been cases of perfectly healthy men dying in their sleep for the past couple of weeks...i dunno abt u but somehow i find it ironic but Death Note seems too much of a coincidence to appear at this time as well...
while others lose their llife unwillingly...some wanna give it up...sigh...i've juz had a call last nite from camp...the reason...one of my recruits had juz attempted suicide...sometimes i wonder izzit cuz of the bunkmates cum a**holes hu keep making fun of him or failure on my part as a commander dat he has to resort to such things...
as for mi...i have thought of death b4...its actually a very very very very very convenient way of relieving urself from all burdens ;P but dat would mean u aint got enough BALLS and GUTS to face life's probs as a man...and anyway...i dun think i'm facing any life-threatening problems....yet...
to be honest...moi feeling pretty down lately...but was enthu yest when "that special someone" decided to meet up last nite...alas...it wasnt meant to be and from a state of joy turned to deeper sorrow :P
"i now honestly think dat i'm not mature enough to handle another r/s le..."