Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My brudders...

u can be quite sure that when V6 meets up, there will be some unavoidable activities...

i'll be truthful here, i'm not a gambler, and i don't like to gamble, the only reason i do so is for the social purpose of it. and i think its also cuz of my past life, as mi was supposedly a hopeless gambler...maybe i got too sick of it, though i gotta say socially its quite a good activity...like how i'll be with brudder Lim on our ups and downs with our money, brudder rick surprisingly losing big time, brudder cong surprisingly earning big time, brudder beng losing big time, and finally brudder seet and his blood bro earning big big big big time...money juz seems to go to ppl with more of dat :P lol

Night touring
Brudder Rick rented a car for this nite for a good purpose, and so off to night touring we went...Geylang is a paradise of china women food and there's no lack of it...we had super-sized "you-tiao" and "dao hue" for supper...its gooood~

billard/snooker/pool/watever other fancy name u have
why spend money on playing pool outside try to be efren rhyes when u aren't even in the top 10 million seeded player rankings, right? so play among own ppl lor, u can be the king man! but no...i'm not, brudder Lim is :P

its a good thing V6 is not fond of drinking, cuz i cant drink to save my own life, and i haven got deep enough pockets to drink, though i fancy i might be forced to pick it up during my NS time...peer pressure...peer pressure...

"i've learn't something new from my initials S.K. and it is "suai kai" suai as in unlucky...get it?"

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