and so finally my dear friend of more than a decade has wed his beau...and while being one of the five brothers for the wedding is no joke...i guess i could say i realli enjoyed the experience :)
the preparations the nite b4..the lack of sleep becuz of that...the moving off of the wedding convoy...the arrival...the
travelling back and forth from the bride's and groom place was more exciting then i tot...when we brothers decided to surprise the wedding couple by having a photo shoot in the middle of the highway...the last minute trips and errands we had to do...oh the adrenaline...heh...
to the wedding dinner...i've never had a busier dinner in my life b4...but then again...i think it was all worth it, when i saw the groom give his heartfelt speech..see the bride's tears of joy roll down her face...i think it is times like this that make all the preparations and hard work worth it :)
i thoroughly enjoyed the experience...and wish my brother Ming Yan and wife Kelly to have a blissful marriage, have children soon (there are 5 godfathers waiting...), and live happily ever after!
wait til i get to upload the video and photo montage of the wedding!!!!