I'm a pretty confused...and maybe frustrated boy these days...why?
cuz no matter how much i study, i never seem to get things into my head
cuz no matter how i seem to know stuff, i never do get the grades to reflect it
cuz no matter how i seem to want to show how I feel, it never turns out that way
cuz no matter how i try to control my temper, i somehow lose it at the most critical of times
cuz no matter how i tell myself to find a good job asap, i somehow find myself procrastinating sending out my resume
cuz no matter how i want to train myself up again to be Trim And Fit (TAF!~),i end up watching tv and dozing off...
cuz no matter how i seem to know what i want...at the end of the day...i don't...
i guess i need to wake up my idea~ and soon...