I've been trying to run on a more regular basis ever since my holidays started..and i usually run at nite...when there's hardly anyone around...tonite though...is something special...
so i was juz done with my run...and i proceeded to do my stretching exercises at the playground downstairs my place...now until tonite...i had no company nor disturbances while i was doing my stretches...but tonite...i not onli had the security guard walk past mi twice...i had a cat for company...yes a cat...a literal pussy :P
now the cat was not juz being the usual silent self...but rather...moaning...i tot it was looking at something dat i couldn't...but decided not to care...until my dear fren the pussy decided to approach mi and rub its body against mi... (-_-")
fine...pussy wants some company...pussy gets some company...so i was carressing the furry little thing for awhile...those who noe mi well noes that i like both cats and dogs...so i was actualy fantasizing abt how it would be like to have my own cat...but something broke my fantasy...
the bloody pussy was lifting its butt up as high is it could in front of my face! i'm usually pretty slow at things...even when its thrown straight to my face...but dat cat's action had immediately woke up my idea...i got up and promptly left the playground...poor pussy followed mi a few steps b4 retreating into the shaodows cast by the playground structures...
"if onli either i was a real cat too...or she was a fine young lady...damn~"