most philosophers in recorded history are brilliant people who have one way or another contributed to the society...thats why they have been recorded in history. However, these great people are often not wihout their flaws...such as a short short short temper, queer habits and mannerisms, wierd philosophies...and sometimes have fetishes unimaginable...hmmm...and most philosophers usually either die early or go insane at a young age...
mi? y i claim to be a philosopher? becuz...i realised that everytime theres a chance for mi to wander my mind off...i will...dats why i can never concentrate well and for long periods of time...people tell mi something and i'll forget it moments later...but i can randomly out of nothing tell u something...sometimes something ridiculous...
more often than not...i think too much for my own good...as with most philosophers...thats the reason they either die early or go insane...i think so much when at the end of the day its nothing...there was a period of time i thought of not giving a damn abt anything...so as to relieve my mental burden...and for awhile...it worked...but u cant change a leopard's spots...and voila, stinko the philosopher is back!
while i cant claim to have made any significant contributions to the human society to be recorded in history...i certainly have the makings of one...such as a short temper, queer habits, wierd logics, and thinking too much to come up with theories which onli i believe in...
i believe one factor my philosophical side has returned is cuz i've been much of a loner this sem...and i've been going on nite jogs again...so there's actually lotsa time to wander my mind off...and thats not a good thing...
if ur still reading at this point..i admire ur patience...u have my respect...u have juz encountered one of stinko the philosopher's endless jabbering...u have juz wasted 5-10m mins of ur life...