Since today ended the traumatic mid-term period...i decided to go chill out for abit...since its always been straight home after sch nowadays...so i called vincmacky aka "dao yan" to go out chill...unfortunately...another guy decided to be a third party and tag along...
this guy...whom i seriously regret knowing as my acquaintance...i've known him since my army dayz...regretfully...and becuz of dat...i noe how big of a cannon his mouth is...when all he did during his army dayz was take leave half the time to go "see" specialist...another 1 quarter of the time on mc...and the final quarter of the time on light duty status...hence...cant do vigorous work...
miraculously...he didnt need to "see" the specialist anymore now dat he's ORD...woah...the wonders of the 3 letters...ORD...
becuz of the static evaluation and prejudice i have against him (maybe unfair...but i dun care)...i took it realli to heart when after some time not seeing him...his first words to mi were
i seriously wanted to counter him by saying...
"eh, u of all people shouldnt call mi round...ur made up of a big blob of flabby meat u call muscle la...wake up ur stupid idea..."
but the logical part of mi decided against it...cuz the last time i offended him last sem in class...i called him a "mud"...and he almost punched mi...
nevertheless...i decided dat i shld realli do something abt my gaining of love handles (back to my poly days)...i decided to go for a run...dunno haven done dat in how many moons...
i changed to my running attire and told my dad i was going for a run...he gave mi the "Mas Selamat is out there and u wanna go and run!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" kinda look...i gave him the "Yes, i know Mas Selamat is out there and i wanna go for a run" look...
my dad juz shook his head and said "come back early"...it was 12 midnite...dats early rite? early morning...
think i haven wrote such a long post in a long long while...