Friday, November 09, 2007

yes...the depressed mi again...

true to word...i am indeed feeling a little temper always gets the better of mi...and often the consequences are not something i would like face on my daily life...

example would be upsetting sleeping beauty becuz of my temper...sigh...every time i throw my temper...i regret it later...but i still do it...even now...sigh...i guess now no matter how many times i apologize wont do...but...nevertheless...sorry my sleeping beauty...hope you'll forgive mi...

"as i'm typing this...i'm watching meet joe black...this show juz always happens to be broadcasted at times when i'm good for a tear-jerker...and yes...i weep while watching this show...and its one of my fav...juz so u noe..."

the slackness has come~

one good reason/excuse for my lack updating is dat since my last outburst of anger and frustration...i have grown super lazy...not studying for my quizzes and procrastinating doing my portfolio and so on...

a psychological explanation would be that i was motivated by stress to work...and exerted an overloaded amount of energy...but the energy was exhausted and i finally gave in...hence...the slackness now...

bad news portfolio is due in 4 days and i'm 4 reports short and i have to touch up on the current 4...i'm soooooooo dead......

"i got a feeling i'm going to be back to my old depressed self..."