becuz i'm penny-wise but pound foolish...becuz i'm too fickle-minded and becuz i like them...i agreed when a fren of mine asked to mi go see the SHE concert...most ex tixs no less! but after last nite, i have totally no regrets...why??? the seats my fren managed to get were the premier seats at row 4!!! HOW RARE IZ DAT???? i was juz like 15m away from the stage? i was so close dat Ella could notice mi jumping up and down like a crazy ass and acknowledge mi not once but twice :P
ok, so i'm ashamed dat i was acting like a typical teenage screaming fan...but all in the name of fun, laughter, peace and joy rite? anyway...after the concert we walked from indoor stadium all the way to the makan sutra place at esplanade...long walk...
today...i'll be at another concert...its Hoobastank! i didnt even noe they were coming...i'll working as an usher though...at least i get to earn some pocket money...the onli sian thing is dat i'll be booking in tonite...sigh...
"last yr at this time...i was in Chinatown with that special someone enjoying the fireworks...those were the days..."